Test & demo

In our test & demo centre, we can do extensive machine, product and film test. Our customers can do a test with their product and new film structures. We offer the option to connect our machine to a weigher for a realistic situation and speed test. The centre is ideal for technical acceptance test so when our machine is on-site that’s almost plugged and play.

Your benefit:

  • Reduce risk by performing a proof of principle.
  • There is no impact on your existing Overall Equipment Effectiveness
  • Option to make different kinds of bag styles with (your) product.
  • We work closely with the Opack Group, who can guide you in finding a sustainable packaging material.

If you are interested in testing our machines, please fill in the form. The sales department will contact you to discuss your options.

Contact us

How can we help you?

Please tell us about yourself

  project-call-sales-now.png Sales now
+31 (0)40 282 50 00

Contact hours
7:30am - 5:00pm CEST

Sales contact info
+31 (0)40 282 50 00


Mailing address
Attn: Sales
VDL Packaging
Langendijk 10
5652 AX, Eindhoven
The Netherlands



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Experience our expertise


Plug and play simplicity

Professional testing team


Inhouse facility